How Long is Disney Vacation Club Membership?

A built in fire pit on the Polynesian Beach surrounded by tall grasses overlooking the lake, blue skies and the Grand Floridian far off in the distance

Membership makes all the difference for many Disney fans. The Disney timeshare can help make stays at the best Disney hotels more cost effective. The memories made last forever but how long does Disney Vacation Club last? Joining DVC means signing up for years of Disney hotel stays. When you make that investment into your future vacations, how long is Disney Vacation Club Membership? There isn’t one simple answer that fits all DVC contracts.

Disney timeshare: How long is a Disney Vacation Club membership good for?

You may have heard Disney Vacation Club lasts for fifty years. In some cases that’s true but in most, it’s not. You might be surprised to find out the length of a DVC contract depends on where and when you buy DVC. You can also sell Disney Vacation Club if you don’t want to own it anymore.

How long is Disney Vacation Club good for? If you buy a contract at a Disney Vacation Club home resort when it first debuts, you will probably be able to own your contract for fifty years. However, if you buy ten years after a new DVC resort opens, you’ll own your contract for ten years less. This is because ownership has the same end date for all contracts at a DVC resort property. For example, Bay Lake Tower debuted in 2009 and all contracts at this resort expire in 2060. 

You can not alter the length of a contract at will. There is one particular instance where Members were given the option to change how long their DVC contract was good for. We’ll go over that in detail below but this is not the norm. So how long do you own Disney Vacation Club? It depends solely on the home resort on the contract you buy and how many years are left on that property.   

How long does my Disney Vacation Club Membership last? Decades in most cases. However, some of the most popular resorts now have less than twenty years left on their DVC contracts. That doesn’t stop people from buying DVC at incredible home resorts like Disney’s Beach Club Villas and Disney’s BoardWalk Villas. When you do the math, DVC still provides great rates compared to booking a hotel room each year. Resale DVC can provide even better savings.

Castle and Space Mountain skyline in front of a blue sky
The Magic Kingdom skyline at Walt Disney World Resort

Disney Vacation Club How Long Does it Last at Each Resort?

The real question is, how long is a Disney Vacation Club contract at the specific resort you are interested in. When a DVC contract expires depends on the Disney Vacation Club resorts opening dates. It’s possible that the length of a contract might play into your decision making. You may want to plan it out so the contract ends at a certain milestone in your life. For many, the home resort is more important than the number of years on the contract.

Contract Expiration Years Vary at Each DVC Resort

The year a resort opened sometimes looks different on paper than in real life for Members. For example, The Villas at Disneyland Hotel opens in late 2023. Even if someone purchases DVC there as an original Member, they may not use their points until 2024 or later. The contract still expires the same year. Someone may get in very early but still not even buy points at this resort until 2024. In this case, the Member doesn’t get to use the points from 2023 because they weren’t part of the program at that time. This doesn’t extend the length of the contract.

Speak with your DVC Resale Expert about not just the point value on the contract but the points available. That refers to how many points are available to book with in the surrounding years at the time of purchase. Having more points doesn’t extend your contract but you may be able to get an additional point allotment on some DVC resale contracts, adding to the number of trips you can take.

Disney Vacation Club ResortOpening YearHow many years is a Disney Vacation Club membership (Expiration year)
Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas20072057
Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas20122062
Bay Lake Tower at Disney’s Contemporary Resort20102060
Disney’s Beach Club Villas20022042
Disney’s BoardWalk Villas19962042
Boulder Ridge Villas at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge20002042
Copper Creek Villas & Cabins at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge20182068
The Villas at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel20102060
The Villas at Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort20142064
The Villas at Disneyland Hotel20232074
Disney’s Hilton Head Island Resort19962042
Disney’s Old Key West Resort19912042 or 2057
Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows20162066
Disney’s Riviera Resort20202070
Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort20042054
Disney’s Vero Beach Resort19952042
How long Disney Vacation Club lasts at each resort

How long does the Disney Vacation Club last?

No matter when they were purchased or what the Use Year is, all Disney Vacation Club contracts expire in January of the expiration year. So for Disney’s Animal Kingdom Villas, the contract will expire January 31st, 2057.

How many years is Disney Vacation Club if you buy resale DVC?

The contract expiration stays the same no matter how you buy DVC. Whether you buy from Disney directly or on the resale market, the contracts for each resort expire the same year. The one thing that can make a difference is the points available on a contract. This refers to how many current points the Membership has to use. It’s possible to bank points to use them at a later time. It’s also possible to borrow points from the future. Some resale contracts have points available from the last use year. In a way, that’s like adding an extra year, really a trip, for potential buyers.

A windmill stands at the end of a wide, winding, blue pool with rocks on each side. How Long is Disney Vacation Club Membership at Beach Club? Contracts expire in 2042
Stormalong Bay is the pool at Disney’s Beach Club Villas. How Long is Disney Vacation Club Membership at Beach Club? Contracts expire in 2042.

Understanding Points Available with DVC Resale

While the number of points available does not affect when the contract ends, it can add additional vacations. Let’s say you’re interested in a 100 point contract. DVC Resale Experts listings note how many points are available on all DVC resale listings. Because of this, you can easily see how many points are available to book with if you buy a specific contract. So, at most, the 100 point contract could have 100 points available for 2023, 100 points available for 2024 and 100 points available for 2025. That means you could have an additional trip, or year at the beginning, based on how many points there are available. 

In contrast, some contracts come with less points available because some have already been used by the current Member. This isn’t always a bad thing. If you’re buying a contract but have already taken your annual trip and don’t want to use points until the next year, the current year’s points are of no use to you. How many points are available on a contract also plays into the price. The more points available, the higher the contract price usually. So if you don’t need the points yet and the contract doesn’t have them available, this is a way to pay a little less for a contract. 

How many years does Disney Vacation Club last at Old Key West?

There is one special exception to how many years Disney Vacation Club points last at each resort. With every other resort, all of the points expire the same year. Things are different at Disney’s Old Key West Resort. This is the original Disney Vacation Club resort and Members were once offered an optional 15 year extension. Some Old Key West contracts expire in 2042 and some expire in 2057.

How many years is a Disney Vacation Club Membership?

Below we have Disney Vacation Club home resorts in order of contract length. The top of the list starts with contracts that expire the soonest. The list goes on with contracts at the bottom that have the greatest amount of time left. 

A fountain at Bay Lake Tower
A fountain splashes at Bay Lake Tower at Disney’s Contemporary Resort. How Long is Disney Vacation Club Membership at Bay Lake Tower? Contracts expire in 2060.

With Disney Vacation Club, how do we find out the length of the contract?

Before buying, you can look on a specific contract to see the end date of the contract. Not sure how to see it? Still have questions? Ask an Expert!

How Long is Disney Vacation Club Membership? DVC Resale Experts Can Help

DVC Resale Experts is a licensed real estate broker with a team that specializes in resale DVC. Whether you’re adding on points, buying or selling Disney Vacation Club, the Experts can help you find the right price to place a bid with or list your contract for. Our independent, licensed real estate agents are former Disney Vacation Club Guides. They have decades of pixie dusted experience selling DVC and delight in providing excellent service to their clients. You are sure to have questions with DVC resale. How long does ownership last in Disney Vacation Club? How long is the Disney Vacation Club good for? The Experts have seen it all and are happy to answer your specific questions as they come up throughout the process.

DVC resale prices can pleasantly surprise Members interested in selling DVC. See our resale DVC listings for a look at real time availability and pricing. Ready to sell DVC? Get in touch for a complimentary valuation of your contract today. There may be someone waiting on our Buyer Wish List for a contract just like yours.


How long does a Disney Vacation Club Membership last? How long does your Disney Vacation Club Membership last?

It depends on how many years are left on contracts at the resort you buy a contract at. For example, Copper Creek Villas & Cabins at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge began selling contracts in 2017. Just about fifty years later, all contracts at Copper Creek expire January 31st, 2068.

How long can I own my Disney Vacation Club points? How long can I own my Disney Vacation Club Membership? 

The closer to a DVC resort opening you buy, the longer you can own the points. It’s possible to own Disney Vacation Club points up to fifty years in most cases. This is, if you buy from Disney when a property first starts to sell DVC.

How many years does DVC last?

To find out how long DVC lasts, find the expiration year of the particular contract you’re buying. You can usually count on all contracts at a certain resort to expire the same year. Disney’s Old Key West Resort is the exception as it has two different contract expiration years. 

Disney Blogger Nicole and Disney CEO Bob Iger

Sparkly Nicole

Nicole is a native Floridian who attended the University of Central Florida and decided to call the land of theme parks home. She’s been sharing magical tips, tricks and Orlando travel and tourism favorites online for over a decade.

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